OPINION- Editorial

Feet don't count

On Thursday, our regular national columnist Walter Williams discussed the stalking horse concept in politics. His lede:

"When hunting was the major source of food, hunters often used stalking horses as a means of sneaking up on their prey. They would synchronize their steps on the side of the horse away from their prey until they were close enough for a good shot."

Which made us think of the scene in the 1972 western, Jeremiah Johnson, when Mr. Redford and Will Geer--the man who'd become Grandpa Walton--were tracking down a bull elk:

Jeremiah: Wind's right, but he'll just run soon as we step out of these trees.

Bear Claw: Trick to it. Walk out on this side of your horse.

Jeremiah: What if he sees our feet?

Bear Claw: Elk don't know how many feet a horse has!

When given a chance, Grandpa Walton could explain things to the younger folks.

Editorial on 11/18/2017

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